Friday, September 12, 2008

...and so it continues...

So after everything that happened Wednesday, the nurses had me watching everything I was doing, and what my body was doing. I had my first contraction around 10:30am...and then I got on the computer for a few hours & then finally went back up to bed (since I was put on bed rest). I wasn't really watching my contractions until later on in the day & I had been laying down for a while. The nurse told me I had to come back if I had 4 contractions in an hour...well once I started monitoring...I was having a contraction every 10 minutes and this went on for 2 hours. I was hesitant to do anything because I my car battery was still disconnected so I was going to have to bug someone again.

I finally got to talk to Kevin & he told me to get my but to the hospital. So I had to take a quick shower and quickly get ready. Once I got out of bed the contractions were coming closer & closer. I had my girlfriend Erika drop me off at the hospital. Bless her heart, she is due in 3 weeks & had to get her little guy out of her ribs so she could drive! In the 10 minutes I was monitoring on the way to the hospital I had 3 contractions. Kevin was flying home & would be there in a few hours, and after the ordeal from Wednesday I figured I would be there for a few hours! They hooked me up & after 20 minutes I had 3 big contractions. The nurse came in shaking her head with terbutaline in hand. Thus I got my second shot. They monitored me again & the contractions stopped. Not one during that time. The nurse told me the doctor was going to have to do something, put me on meds, permanent bed rest or something to stop the contractions.

So they released me because I still wasn't dilated & I was seeing my doctor at 9am Friday morning, so only a few hours away.

As I was signing the paperwork my girlfriend Amy called me & asked if she could come sit with me. I told her actually they just released me & she said she was on her way to get me!

Amy didn't want to leave me until Kevin got home (she is such a sweetheart!), so she stayed with me. Against my will she unloaded my dishwasher, re-loaded it and dished me up some ice cream. I couldn't believe it1 Then she stayed with me until it was only 30 more mins till Kevin got home. I love her to death!

Again I was blessed beyond belief with my incredible friends! I love you girls!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have some amazing friends! Thank goodness for them! Keep getting that bed rest! We are thinking of you guys and hope all goes well over the next couple of weeks!