Tuesday, April 13, 2010

1 Year Old

Ok I know FINALLY!!!  My camera is in the shop (it has a front focusing issue!) & having just gotten back from a workshop...the only thing I have to do is get caught up!  I can't take pictures or practice photography so hopefully that will allow me to get caught up!!!

Here are some of the boys 1 year pictures...

We took the boys in for their 12 month check up and we got to find out their stats...& they got a few shots :( it gets harder each time around!!! Anyway, onto their stats...

weighed 24 lbs 4 ozs (72nd percentile), he measured 31 1/4 inches (90 th percentile), and his head measured 19 1/4 inches (97th percentile)

weighed 20 lbs 12 ozs (20th percentile), he measured 30 inches (59 th percentile), and his head measured 18 1/2 inches (69th percentile)

Hopefully I can get all caught up ASAP!  Their birthday party pics are coming soon!  :)


aliciamae100 said...

just lovely- what pretty pictures!

Jamie said...

You have the MOST beautiful boys I've EVER seen in my life! You are a lucky mom! Those boys are going to be heartbreakers! Watch out girls!